Thursday, June 20, 2013

Things To Remember

Husband finally asked me if I am losing weight.  It only took him 16 pounds to ask me that.  I am still considering it a win. 

I am apart of a "mommy" social media site and I have been posting about Ana and what she's all about.  Of course, moms are the worst judgemental people ever.  Nurturing is only meant for our children, I suppose.  But it got me thinking about the things that are important to reach our goals with Ana.  Call them tips, call them "laws", call them hardcore...whatever.  They will help.

1. Always keep your belly full....
...of water!  Water will not only keep you full and not craving food, but it will help so much in aiding your metabolism. 

2.  When in doubt, work it out.
Hungry?  Do 100 jumping jacks.  Bored?  Do a wall sit for a minute.  Feeling lazy?  Do some crunches.  Whatever you NOT associate "hunger" for "boredom".  Yes, I know...I KNOW...I was one of those girls.  But it's just as easy to work it out when you are ready to eat. 

3.  Take vitamins.
It will help if you start to lose your hair.  It also helps preventing from your body going into starvation mode. 

4.  Weigh yourself...and do it often.
I weigh myself twice daily.  But I have seen some do it as much as once an hour.  One in the morning after you void your bladder and once right before bed.  Keep the mantra "higher than yesterday, fast for today" in your head.  And keep a record of your progress!  

5.  Measure at least 3 times a week.
I don't always do this.  Sometimes I just don't want to.  Other times I feel so silly in doing it.  But it's the only TRUE way to see if you are losing inches.  The scale and be persuaded, the tape measure?  Not so much. 

6.  Get your beauty sleep.
When you sleep, you can't eat...  What is better than that?

7.  Wear tight fitting clothing.
Or buy some that is a size smaller than you.  It'll give you physical proof that you need to lose weight.

8.  And burn those "fat pants"
You'll never need them again 

9.  Listen to your body
Yes, not eating is hard and when that tummy grumbles, it's hard to not give in.  However, I am talking about the other parts of your body.  Make sure not to get too dizzy.  Or, if you get a headache.  Tummies can be ignored---they're not in control...YOU ARE.  But your head?  Listen to it.  Just make sure to eat something healthy so your work isn't completely undone. 

10.  Do this for YOU
Don't let anyone else say "you need to eat" or "you should stop".  You decide if and when you want to stop.  You're the one living in your body.  Live for you! 

Just some things to keep in mind when you are on your quest to be smaller!

Stay Skinny Loves!

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